Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC)

In partnership with

Trauma Nursing Core Course

The purpose of TNCC is to teach registered nurses (RNs) core-level knowledge and psychomotor skills, which are defined as central or key elements of the multidimensional processes involved in the initial assessment and management of injured patients. TNCC also provides a foundation for integrated communication and collaboration in trauma teamwork. The goal of the TNCC course is to help nurses develop a rapid – and accurate – approach to caring for trauma patients to ultimately decrease the morbidity and mortality associated with trauma.

TNCC Course Delivery

The TNCC course consists of required online modules prior to the course date, live virtual interactive learning with skills stations, group discussion and other interactive exercises. The entire TNCC course maintains a focus on the nursing process. Successful completion of the course requires at least an 80% on the written TNCC exam, participating in all the live simulation teaching stations, and a minimum of 70% evaluation of all the steps in the psychomotor testing station.

MFR Training Program Details

Course Location

ATI Flint Campus
4511 Miller Rd.
Suite 100
Flint, MI, 48507

Fees & Payments

$1,500 (Payment plans available)
Does not include book or uniforms. DOES include BLS & PEARS courses.

Payment Plan Details

  • $100 Due by 1st day of class
  • $350 each month for 4 months

Prerequisites / Enrollment Requirements